Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mirror Mirror...

Me and my person go to this big store sometimes where they have lawn mowers and toilets and big pieces of wood and garbage cans and rugs and light bulbs and so many cool things. It's full of so much stuff to sniff and I love it there. Sometimes when I go inside the people who work there all yell my name, "Jhumpa", and my tail wags sooo fast.

But what was so great the other day was that I saw someone sitting on a shelf who looked just like me! I stopped and sniffed and sniffed and sniffed. I couldn't believe my eyes. Sort of like the first time I looked in the thing called a mirror and saw myself. Like magic!

Here is me and my mirror friend:

Here's another:

And one more:
I was so happy to find my mirror friend. I can't wait to visit him next time I go to the store with the lawn mowers and wood and toilets...And my mirror friend!!!

Love, Jhumpa Jones

Read to Me

Do you read ???

A lot of people I meet like to read.

I don't read too much myself, but I sure like when people read to me.

Oh' and I like to look at the pictures too, even upside down.

So if you like to read too, or just want to say "Hi" come by and visit. We hang out at the Brisbane Library. But be careful, you could catch what my dad says is a reading bug. I hope I don't get it.


Monday, February 15, 2010

My New Roomie

A couple of weeks ago, I moved into a new foster home. When I got there, I was greeted by my new roomie Gulliver. At first, I was like, "Yikes! This guy is almost twice as big as me!" He would follow me around and sniff me and try to play. But, being new and all, I was a little bit shy. I still get shy sometimes but my tail is wagging non-stop and I'm slowly getting used to playing with such a big guy. Sometimes, my new foster parents think that I'm the bigger dog. My bark can make me sound pretty big and I even snore louder than Gulliver! I found out that this Gulliver guy isn't so bad after all. He even shares his bed and toys with me! One time, I sat on his face while he was lying down, and he didn't even care! I guess he knows who the queen is around this joint. Sharing a bed with someone like Gulliver is nice on cold winter nights. Good thing my snoring doesn't wake him up!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Will you be my Valentine?

Some Pit Bulls may be red,
and some can be blue.
But one ting for sure,
dis wittle bullie loves you!

~Love Frodo~

Friday, February 12, 2010

Two On, Two Off

A bit short of a year ago, I started an agility foundation class. One of the first things we learned was a 2o2o. That means I plant two feet on the equipment and two feet off when I reach the end of the equipment. It’s a safety thing she says so I don’t go leaping off the agility contact equipment and go hurting myself. Here I am all those months ago learning a 2o2o on a beginner’s practice board . But, let me find her camera and then check back in a few days. I’ll show you the end result on a “real” agility teeter. I’ve learned a lot in the past few months, I’m having fun in my new life, and my new bionic knees are hanging in there just fine!