Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dog-sized Christmas Tree

Today my family is getting out this stuff they call Christmas decorations and I'm helping. There's even a little tree just my size in the room where I sleep!

It's kind of exciting, but this decorating thing can make a girl tired!

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bouncy Uba is BACK!

I thought it would never happen, but the doctor says I'm all better. My naughty knee has gone away for good. I still have to be nice to my new knee for a few more weeks, but I'm allowed to jump up on my mom's big bed and lie in the sun again.
I can run and play in the back yard, and go for walks and best of all go to training classes. We went for a walk in one of my favorite places to celebrate my new knee. I sniffed and sniffed everything and looked at the fat squirrels and it made me smile to be back out in the world.
I got really tired and had to lie down and pant for a long time when we got home. I kept on smiling because my new knee makes me very happy.
Thank you Dr. Sams and all the nice people at the Sams Clinic for taking such good care of me and helping me get my bounce back.


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