Thursday, October 27, 2011

Floppy Uba

Since my surgery I have learned that there is a new kind of Uba. Its called floppy Uba.
I think floppy Uba has something to do with this little bright pink treat that she says is helping my knee heal. Every morning on my breakfast there is one of the special pink treats.
Then, after breakfast my mom makes a little meat ball with a special treat tucked in the middle. She puts it in the fridge and my friends who come in the middle of the day to help me walk around the back yard on leash and check on the squirrel give it to me.
After I eat the pink treats I feel all floppy. My body is all heavy and I just want to rest in the sun. She says this is good for me because it lets my new knee get ready for all the fun I have planned. If my mom is home, she helps my floppy body get up on the bench in the sun so I can snuggle with Lulu. Lulu is always kind of floppy and I guess thats why her knees aren't naughty.
I sometimes even get floppy while I'm working on the blog, which is why its taken a little while for me to get this post ready.
My new knee feels really good when I try it out on my walks and when I do the things I'm not supposed to do because its been a long time since I had a pink treat. My mom says I have two more weeks until we go to see the doctor. Once the doctor has looked at my knee again I should be able to start having fun. Although being floppy Uba is ok, I can't wait to be bouncy and fun Uba again.

floppy hugs,

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm a Canine Good Citizen!

Hi Everyone, it's me, Grace. You might remember that a couple of years ago I earned my Canine Good Citizen award with my foster dad. Well, my mom said to me about a month ago, "Hey Grace, I know you already know this stuff, but what do you say you and I take the Canine Good Citizen test again?" So I told her I would do it again, just for her if it would make her feel good.

So we practiced all these things like sitting, staying, coming, not pulling on the leash, and passing by dogs nicely without staring at them. I didn't mind it at all, because she gave me lots of treats for doing it.

This past weekend I went with my family to this place with a ton of dogs. They called it a "dog show", but there was no TV there. Anyway, I had to wait for a long time and finally, I heard them call my me and my mom's names and we went into this fenced area. There was a lady with a blue shirt and she told my mom to have me do all these things. She kept saying "nice" after I did them.

After about 10 minutes of doing what she asked me to do, my mom looked very happy and gave me a delicious beef tendon and told me we had passed the Canine Good Citizen test. It was a great day.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Road Trip!

This weekend we piled in the car with my bff Abbie the Golden Retriever, and headed south to San Luis Obispo for my first Nose Work competition. Nose Work is a dog sport and my job is to do what dogs are especially good at, using my nose. I train like K9 police detection dogs who search for drugs, but unlike police dogs, I search for the scent of birch oil on a q-tip, all for fun and sport.

We arrived in Cayucos, a few minutes outside of San Luis Obispo and took off to the beach for a quick swim. My bff Abbie dove into the ocean, so I followed. Apparently my brick-like physique is suited for sinking, not swimming. I’m sure glad she didn’t take off my leash. I shook the water out of my ears and decided it was much warmer and safer to watch the action from the sandy beach.

Back at the hotel, we crammed ourselves into the dog bath. I’m not fond of baths, but it felt good to get the sand out from between my toes.

Next day, I nailed three of four elements of the Nose Work trial. My interior, exterior, and vehicle searches were some of the fastest of the day. But I goofed on the container search so no title for me. Oop… maybe next time. I cheered for all my dog friends who were also trialing and I got lots of pets from their people. A couple of people who learned of my beginnings were surprised to see that I’m a content and friendly guy. I’m glad I met them and I’m glad to change minds.

We packed up and headed for home the next morning, stopping at two California missions to stretch our legs while our people read plaques screwed to walls (how strange is that!).

Back home, I hopped up on my chair and went to sleep. I have the life of a lucky dog.

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