Thursday, February 28, 2013

How Betta Fish Spawning

Betta fish is a freshwater fish that live mostly in Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Malaya, Indochina, and Siam.
People do not be surprised if there betta fish as small as a valued up to millions of dollars. Not only kids who love fish, adults did not miss, then there is no harm if we try to cultivate them.
In English betta fish is known as the Talking Gourami or Croaking Gourami. These fish include fish with a very slim body and flat to the side (Compressed)
Betta fish species is biologically arranged sistematikanya as follows:
Ordio: PercomorphoideiSub Order: AnabantoideaFamily: AnabantidaeGenus: TrichopsisSpecies: Trichopsis vittatus (Cuvier & Valenticeiennes), Osphromenus vittatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)Characteristics - Characteristics Types of Fish Hickey
In general, as well as other types of freshwater fish, betta fish can only live in freshwater. Because of this nature, it is much betta fish kept in aquariums family. With its posture, the betta fish has a special attraction for fans.
Betta fish species have the basic body color ranging from yellow to brown. While his back darker with lighter belly is more yellow toward white.
At his side there is a dark horizontal stripe blue or black. This line starts from the eye to the tail fin. There's even a faint line that has additional, one or two pieces.
With tip fins are reddish purple or blue. There are spots on the fins like a rainbow-colored spots, blue, red, green. Eye color is very nice and interesting. Eye color is blood-red on the outside, while the interior is green kebruan. Analnya fins, backs and tails grow smepurna with some finger-growing prominence.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

how to breed pigeons

Dove is a type of bird that can be snapping or off and will return to the cage itself. pigeons also countless types of birds are easily treated. and to keep track and not just about the pigeons are difficult, because pigeons are sold in the market diIndonesia bird. before we raise pigeons, would be helpful to learn how to breed pigeons and doves select superior parent produces offspring that are superior as well, with the following steps:
  1. birds must you purchase it must be healthy. characteristics of healthy pigeons that have feathers nice. Melor is not the end of the wings in other words down. when in gear with the hand reaction force / resistance is great. 
  2. Do not try to buy a dove of old, this is not good for a limited purchase for slaughter or to be bred. characteristics of pigeon-old twilight / parents are as follows: approximately half of the meat that looks thin. part nostrils seem too thin there is no meat wrinkles. when in its beak has ngak look flash. 
  3. Time if you choose among the many birds that are in the cage, do not be too close to the cage first. take more than one step back and look at the behavior of pigeons too far. you should look at that as the king of birds in cages, or have properties very domininan
  4. Learn the characteristics of the male parent and a female parent

parent males generally have half-lives that are less thin, lehar bigger, longer head and big. fur around more shiny. when brought near another bird male / female else he would bekur (berkutut)
how to breed pigeons are also easy-easy to hard fact. There are two methods here, the first system of brackets. then the pigeon nga was disconnected or out of his cage. This step is not the case if the currently selected maximum menternakan pigeons. pigeons because the birds are happy to socialize through the fly and back and forth. but if this is the final step chosen method of livestock, try it in larger cages.
system off the cage.
for newly purchased birds from the bird market ngak could soon regardless. brackets and the love of her bird feeder during several days ago in the cage. The following wings disalasiban / on tape / glue in isolation. Bird then released in the wings glued condition (do not try feather wings cause damage when she opened the glue or glue). let the bird out of the cage alone for the first time. when night falls, when the bird has to know his new home home alone measure meaningful progress.
let this matter beberpaa repeatedly throughout the day until it is possible to escape (a very safe guide which time the birds have been nesting and incubating newapart)
make itself actually marry no trick, collect more than one pigeons in cages throughout the first week, so will be going anatar fellow pigeons. couples who have split up so it no longer-if it does not harmfully apain or none of them. and when it's time to see nesting pigeons will also move. Here is an alert signal if the pigeons will lay eggs. yearling males will aggressively shaped and tail where the female bird and he flew. always trailing behind the female bird to look like overprotect (like people going out alone: ​​p)
limited knowledge, time - time that pigeon can balapkan. steps: catch siburung breeders entering the cage. separate and do not have time look by male birds along more than one minute. then when siburung male has seemed busy / confused female bird tracks and calling out to remove the characteristic tone khuuu khuuu the female bird. sijantan be sticky handsreal time to match the dove is simple, to match my current penglaman pigeons:
  1. specify the pigeons that we will jodohkan, surely must make sure the male and female. but sometimes birds can mate sejenispun fellow, but very rarely. 
  2. kandangkan males and females in one cage. the good cage lid (gupon) at night. 
  3. birds bathe in the morning and basking in sunlight. more great if males and females are separated, but still in a cage.
  4. dry after the bird inside the cage again enter and feed.
  5. repeat no more than 2-4 more or less 3 days so the birds will jodah and disa for templekkan.,.,
when you have a mate (templek) finished off the male birds can and will track bettinanya (its a bird whose name still templek (Idioms Java)) until the bird nesting.
for helping to protect marriage siburung so smoothly no steps'> also means that we can do. an alert signal will spawn a new one has seemed like I mentioned above, you can provide kceil woody stem like sticks, straw, rope marks were small, or anything that nature can be in rope and then dove nest. because during the spawning season arrives, doves will track these objects to elucidate pedestal egg for pengeramaan.
free dove incubating approximately 19-22 days only. it certainly has its time. ngak whole eggs may hatch too. very much the use of pigeons yielded only 2 eggs, 3 eggs are very rare. when the eggs hatch love is eating corn be-er or a fine to bird breeders, because their children will be fed childish.
the food was very good for the corn and pigeon pea green. but there is more than one custom forbade his taking or killing pigeons, even sell them for slaughter. then, try not trade doves, kill, or eat it. because pigeons are also human counterparts like like cats


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Beautiful bird pigeon

Compared to chicken, it seems people would rather preserve birds. If chicken is useful to be able to quickly get up early (if fit again very sleepy, staying asleep snoring gentlemen also, hehehe).

Birds usually kept pigeons or doves, parakeets, bird of paradise, peacocks, parrots, eagles, parrots, finches, and more. Each maintained its beautiful sound, fur, sharp eyes, and more. Dove or pigeon, for example, because the beauty of the voice or booms, sometimes more expensive than the raw ripe. If ripe, the most expensive Rp 50 thousand. IBHS has added a variety of other foods.

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Friday, February 22, 2013


Types of birds that one is actually maintained as more primary needs in abundance. They are more fitting called a breeder rather than keepers. However, there are many people who like to raise chickens in their homes and only a few or just one or two tails. Chickens are often kept majority rooster. But if, more specifically, chickens are reared as broilers typically ranged, Bangkok, and more.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Reduce Odor Rabbit Cage

Sometimes rabbits sometimes smelly sting. Make uncomfortable when approached. Odor is actually derived from the urine mixed with feces and rotting food scraps. So though it was cleaned, sometimes the smell is still not too lost. To prevent odors, following tips from the ranchers. 1. Perform routine cage cleaning, at least four days. 2. Routine bathing rabbit if anyone feels the smell. 3. The enclosure has vents spacious, bright, and below the surface of the cage at least be easy to penetrate. 4. Combine drinking water with probiotics to aid digestive system works Leih maximum 5. Do not hold urine of rabbits.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ways to inflate cats

if we comb the tail, start from the base. ago at 2-3 strokes Puspa, how to comb reverse direction from the tip of the tail. This technique will condition the hair look fluffy tail

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Turkish Angora Cat (Turkish Angora) since the 1600's

Turkish Angora cat (Turkish Angora) is a type of domestic cat. Turkish Angora cat is one, naturally cats and ancient ancestry originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region. Has proliferated in the early 1600's and is believed to be the origin of the mutation for both white (white dominant gene is the truth of the color) and long hair. This breed is also sometimes referred to simply as Angora or Ankara cat, and in some obsolete works as the Angola

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chinchilla longhair cat (Persian) who graciously

This is the most elegant Persian cat. Although his ancestors came from Persia, but Chinchilla longhair Persian cat in Gentlemen in England. Race is divided into two kinds, namely chinchilla bright colors (true) and a rather dark (silver gradation).

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Cats Burmese (Burma) the jovial and funny

Burmese cat developed by Dr. Thompson (U.S.) of the cat queen wongmau (Burma) and Siamese. Brown weasel, but it has a blue, champagne, Lifa, red, brown, and blue turtle. Joviality and funny.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

British Shorthair cat colorful

Reared in the UK. British Shorthair cat is quite calm, soft, warm, and intelligent. Fur color can be plain - white, black, blue, red and beige, two-color, black and striped.

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Maine Coon cats are readily familiar

Originally from Maine - United States, is a descendant of the Angora and American Shorthair. Its funny, shy but willing, and easy to close. It has a thin coat, soft, and color variety.

Maine Coon cats are the biggest cat race. to a length of 1.5 meters.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Manx cats are friendly

Many people call it Rumpy. It has a short tail, brown fur color and lavender. Having a loyal nature, friendly and smart.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Prevent Cannibalism Rabbit

For the hobbyists, pregnant rabbits is the long-awaited moment. When you make it past this phase, it is certain amount of collection would be increased. But sometimes it is not going smoothly, cannibalism is one of the problems that can arise when the mother gave birth to her son.

Basically, rabbits do not have the cannibals, but as the parent rabbit pregnancy, nutritional adequacy seemed less so after the birth so stressed and drained of energy, the mother rabbit will feel able to support and provide nutrition for their children. Swallowing is a way of rabbit pups to survive.
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

ants morphology

Ant's body is divided into three parts, namely the head, mesosoma (chest), and metasoma (abdomen). Ant morphology is quite clear compared to other insects that also has antenna, metapleural glands, and stomach both relating to shaft ants forming a narrow waist (pedunkel) between mesosoma (the chest cavity and abdomen) and metasoma (abdomen less the abdominal segments the petiole).

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Get What You Want

This is the look I give when I want someone in my family to read my mind....
"Hmmmm, they say. Grace looks like she wants a new toy".
I have a blast unstuffing my new squeaky duck toy. It's no match for my chewing talents.
See, I told you! That look works every time. Grace :)

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